Chiles en nogada, the national symbol of Mexican cuisine

September is a month with a lot of history and for Mexicans its arrival means not only the celebration of the national month, but also the delight of many delicacies and among them one of the most anticipated ones is the chiles en nogada.

Fiestas mexicanas en el mes patrio
Fiestas patrías con el sazón de México

This famous dish, originally from Puebla, is mainly known for its exquisite flavor and its distinctive colors; however, beyond being a seasonal dish, it’s considered a national symbol of Mexican cuisine. Do you know why? If not, don’t worry. Here we will help you discover why this dish is so important for the culture and gastronomy of Mexico.

Todo lo que debes saber de los Chiles en nogada

1. What is the story behind the famous dish of chiles en nogada?

Chiles en nogada is a traditional dish that is served as a main course during Independence Day and is currently enjoyed by Mexican families across the country. In addition to being extremely representative of the Mexican flag with its mixtures of green, white and red, chiles en nogada are as rich in flavor as they are in history.

chiles en nogada
Chiles en nogada, patriotic dish from Mexico

Although there are no records of when this tasty delicacy was born, the most popular version indicates that its origin dates back to 1821, where according to the SADER (Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development) it was a dish prepared by the Augustinian nuns of the Santa Mónica convent, with the sole purpose of honoring Agustín de Iturbide, who would have played a very important role in the war of independence.

With this reason in mind, the Augustinian nuns took on the task of preparing a unique dish using seasonal ingredients such as poblano peppers, pomegranates and walnuts, but also alluding to the celebration of such an important achievement. This is how they generated a mixture of Spanish and Mexican ingredients, giving rise to the first feast of independent Mexico.

2. A representative dish of Mexico worldwide

In addition to France, Mexican cuisine is the only one listed as intangible heritage by UNESCO, its cultural richness was recognized as such on November 16, 2010, but among so much culinary diversity, the dishes that stand out as emblems of the country are those that contain ingredients such as chili, beans and corn.

Mexican gastronomy, intangible heritage of humanity

This is the case of the chiles en nogada, which due to its ingredients and cultural value was one of the dishes named as intangible heritage of humanity.

As well, in addition to having representative ingredients of the country, another of the reasons why it stood out was because of the mixture of both contemporary and traditional techniques for its preparation and of course, the fact that it is a historical dish that has left a long legacy within Mexico.

3. What ingredients are use in the chiles en nogada?

It is important to point out that depending on where you are, the recipes for this magnificent feast may vary. But, if we are to stick to the more traditional version, the basic ingredients that a good chile en nogada must contain are the following.

Main ingredients of chiles en nogada

For the preparation of this dish, the roasted poblano pepper must be present, usually stuffed with minced pork and accompanied by a combination of Creole peach, pannochera apple, Creole pear, raisins and almonds.

Now, in the case of the star ingredient of the dish, to make the nogada sauce, walnuts, brandy and milk must be used, and as a final touch, for decoration, pieces of pomegranate and parsley must be added. This is how a great variety of flavors and textures came together, and you can only try in that season.

4. Where to find the best chiles en nogada recipe?

To celebrate the national month, Pischán, a Mexican cuisine restaurant, invites all guests and tourists of Cobá to discover Mexico through their senses, where they can delight their palates with the mixture of ancestral flavors and aromas of their own version of chiles en nogada, while enjoying an environment full of luxury and comfort.

In commemoration of the independence of Mexico, a unique version of this iconic dish will be served, made by our Chef with more than 20 years of expertise in the art of integrating ancestral techniques with the best of contemporary cuisine. So you can’t miss it, as it will be a unique experience.

Special dinners and celebrations at Pischán restaurant

And because we know that national holidays are only lived once, Pischán restaurant has various options for you on its menu that will be the perfect complement to enjoy your evening, you can find from traditional drinks, to wines and one of a kind signature cocktails.

If you want to connect with Mexican culture, the best way to do it is through its gastronomy, especially if it is a national holiday and Pischán, a Mexican cuisine restaurant, is more than ready to welcome you. To accompany your best events with the essence and style of Cobá, you can book through the direct line 998 342 0198 or if you prefer through the website.

It will be a pleasure to celebrate by your side!

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