Savor the Season: What to eat during Semana Santa in Cobá

At Semana Santa, when Lent is in full swing, the question of what to eat during this season arises. After all, for those who follow religious traditions, this time of the year brings them to look for options that respect their beliefs.

Therefore, in this blog, we will guide you through a menu designed especially for this season, to satisfy all your cravings!

Semana santa dishes

1. What you need to know about Semana Santa

While many people look forward to this time of year to take a break, Semana Santa goes beyond simply relaxing and enjoying time off. This religious and cultural event takes on a special importance, as it commemorates the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

It is also characterized for being a period of spiritual reflection, and also for its rich gastronomic diversity. 

What to eat at Semana Santa
Enjoy the flavors of Semana Santa with the whole family

2. When does Semana Santa begin?

Unlike other years, this year 2024 (being a leap year), Semana Santa begins on Sunday, March the 24th. From this day on, a series of events take place, culminating on Easter Sunday, which falls on March 31st.

2. What is Lent?

Lent, on the other hand, is a period of forty days that precedes Semana Santa. During this time, the Christian faithful usually practice penance, fasting and abstinence in preparation for the celebration of Easter.

3. Foods that cannot be eaten

One of the most prominent aspects of Lent is the practice of abstaining from certain foods until Easter is over. Specifically on certain days such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Easter Friday.

Menu para comer en semana santa
During this season of the year, enjoy meatless dishes

Ultimately, this has led to the development of a variety of dishes and recipes that exclude meat and focus on foods such as fish, seafood, vegetables and legumes.

4. What to eat during Semana Santa and Lent?

Despite dietary restrictions during this season, there is a wide variety of dishes available for those seeking to stay true to their religious traditions. For example, some favorite options for Mexicans are:

Broth of Shrimp:

A specialty that combines the freshness of seafood with the comforting warmth of spices and vegetables. The broth is prepared slowly so that the flavors blend to perfection, creating an experience that will delight your senses and leave you satisfied.

Menu of semana santa
Caldo de camarón (shrimp broth), a dish full of freshness and sea flavor.

This delicious soup combines the citrus flavor of lime with an aromatic chicken broth, creating a blend of flavors that is both refreshing and comforting. Each sip is an explosion of flavor that will transport you to the sunny shores of Yucatán.

Lime soup, a Lenten dish
One of the best traditional soups in Mexico

Prepared with fresh fish or shrimp marinated in lime juice and mixed with onion, tomato, cilantro and avocado, this dish is a feast for the senses. The ceviche is served with crispy tortilla chips, adding an extra texture that perfectly complements the vibrant and fresh flavors of the dish.

Ceviche dishes for Semana Santa
Delight yourself with Caribbean flavors of ceviche

If you are looking for vegetarian options, spaghetti with vegetables is the perfect choice. Plus, there are many ways to prepare it, from adding tomato sauce to incorporating fresh herbs for an extra kick of flavor.

The al dente pasta is combined with a mix of fresh vegetables, sautéed in olive oil and garlic, creating a dish that is simple but delicious.

Spaghetti with vegetables
Spaghetti with vegetables, the ideal dish for vegetarians

An ideal dish to immerse yourself in the rich culinary tradition of Yucatán. These delicious hard-boiled egg, corn tortillas are covered with a ground pepita sauce and sometimes accompanied by tomato sauce, creating a unique combination of flavors and textures that is truly irresistible.

For those who want a flavorful meal during Semana Santa, Grilled Vegetable Fajitas are the perfect choice. Combining a variety of fresh vegetables, including carrots, squash, onions, mushrooms and bell peppers, these fajitas are a true feast for the palate.

Fajitas de vegetales Pischan Restaurant
Vegetable fajitas, a simple but delicious dish

As you can see, these options offer you a wide variety of flavors to satisfy your preferences during Semana Santa. At Pischán Restaurant, we are proud to be part of your special moments, providing you with a culinary experience that fuses tradition with innovation.

We invite you to join us and discover the magic of our dishes in the heart of Coba, just 5 minutes away from its impressive ruins. At Pischán, every bite tells a story of dedication and passion for authentic Mexican cuisine.

Reserve your place now and discover why we are the favorite gastronomic destination in the region. For more information, call 998 342 0198, or visit our website.


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