6 tips for your private events before choosing a restaurant

Choosing a restaurant for your private events can be a challenge, as there are many factors to consider, especially if you want all your guests to enjoy the evening. The key is to find the right balance between aspects such as; the price, the quality of the dishes, the level of service and, of course, the environment.

private events and celebrations y tulum
Discover the best way to find the restaurant for your events

So, whether you are planning a wedding event, a party among friends, a surprise birthday or simply a family reunion; if you don’t want to regret your final decision, before booking a restaurant for your private events in Tulum and its surroundings, we suggest you to take into account the following tips.

Everything you need to know before booking a restaurant

1. Know what style of event you want

To start your research of restaurants and venues for your celebrations, something you must be very clear about is the type of event you want to host, for example; Are you looking for an elegant dinner, a business lunch, an informal lunch, or maybe a more intimate celebration?

Choose what type of event you want to host

These are questions you should ask yourself before contacting any restaurant, because each one is very different from the other, and you will need to contemplate different factors to carry them out. So once you have determined what type of event you will organize, it will be much easier to choose the right place to meet your needs.

2. Determine how many guests will attend

The second factor to take into account is the number of people you want to have in the event, since it is not the same to plan a wedding celebration with 50 people as it is to plan a small and more intimate gathering with your family.

For instance, if you plan to have a large event, you will have to make sure that the place has enough space for everyone to feel comfortable, or reserve the entire restaurant. This would not be necessary for 10 or 20 people, since it would be enough to set aside a private area.

privite events for christmas and new years eve
Take into account the number of guests for your party

As you can see, this second factor is crucial, as it will not only help you determine if there is enough space available for all your guests, but it will also help you determine the amount of food that will need to be prepared.

3. Consider the location

Just like the previous point, choosing the right location is something that cannot be overlooked when it comes to private events or group celebrations, because depending on the place you choose, you will have a different atmosphere. Some of the most popular places for these types of celebrations are: restaurants and bars, hotels and resorts, country clubs and even outdoor venues such as parks and beaches.

pischán restaurant for private events
Make your special celebrations in different spots

However, if you are looking to make this celebration unique, then we suggest you choose to book in special destinations; surrounded by nature or with a beautiful view, but also easily accessible and with plenty of parking spaces. You will see how this will give the celebration a total twist!

4. Set your menu

Definitely, one of the most important elements of any party is the food, so it is essential to consult the menu options offered before making your reservation, since some restaurants for private events usually have their own menu or special packages that by cost and quantity could be of your interest.

special menu for parties and celebrations
Consult the variety of the menu and its specialties

Also, don’t forget to base it on the style of the event you are planning and also take into account the preferences of your guests, if it is a fancy dinner you can choose between exotic desserts or start with small appetizers, or even if your guests are diverse you can consider having vegan or gluten-free food. 

This will help you narrow down your options when deciding the perfect restaurant for your event!

5. Check the facilities

In case your event involves guests of all ages, one of the aspects you should always keep in mind is how accessible the space is, for example, take into consideration if it has many stairs, large bathrooms, high places, among other details. This way, you will increase the possibility that everyone can attend.

spaces and restaurants for private celebrations
Consider spacious and easily accessible facilities

And you will be able to enjoy the company of your loved ones without any problem, no matter if they are children, young people or senior citizens. Everyone will be there for you.

6. Look for customized service

Finally, to make your private events more memorable, the best thing a restaurant can offer you is a customized service, as every celebration is different and unique in its style. Receiving this type of service will guarantee you to have an event without major inconveniences, with the right decoration and an exquisite menu.

birthdays and private events in tulum and cobá
Do not forget the decoration for your special events

In addition, it will be a more efficient way to solve your concerns, because unlike restaurants that are managed by fixed packages, a restaurant with personalized service is much more flexible, so you can be sure that your celebration will be unforgettable and to your liking, because you will be receiving something made one hundred percent for you.

What is the best restaurant for private events?

At Pischán restaurant, expert in celebrations and private events, we know that every night in the company of your loved ones deserves to be special, that’s why we offer you the best gourmet experiences in an ambiance full of mysticism.

You can find us inside the Hotel Aldea Coba, about 45 minutes from Tulum; being located in the heart of the Mayan jungle, you will enjoy the best natural landscapes and an enchanting scenery, accompanied by a tranquility that can only be experienced in Coba.

patron's table in pischán restaurant
Patron's table, private area of ​​the restaurant

Our restaurant also has everything you need to have the best events at any stage of your life; from weddings and Mayan ceremonies, to anniversary dinners and birthday parties.

We offer outdoor spaces, an exclusive area for small celebrations, child-friendly areas and luxury facilities, here you will find not only authentic flavors of Mayan cuisine, but you can also enjoy vegan food, gluten-free and signature drinks. 

menu and food for private events
Explore Pischan's gourmet dishes

So if you are in the mood to surprise your palate and make your events memorable, Pischán has just what you are looking for. To accompany your best events with the essence and style of Cobá you can start receiving personalized attention through our direct line 998 342 0198 or if you prefer to book through the website.

Don’t think twice and start planning your dream party!

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