Top 4 Weekend Dishes in the Mayan World

If you are looking for a way to spice up your weekends there is no better way to do it than accompanied by a delicious feast, and you won’t let us lie, the more special your days off are, the more exquisite the weekend dishes should be. Something that goes without saying in Mayan cuisine, as each dish is unique and different.

weekend dishes in the mayan world
Enjoy the best dishes in the mayan world

And if you want to discover the authentic flavor, the ideal destination is Coba, a small Mayan village located about two hours from Cancun, which has been gaining popularity in recent years thanks to its gastronomy and culture. So why not visit it?

It can also be a great plan for the long weekend of February 6, the first one of 2023!. In case you only have a couple of days to get to know the Mayan culture through your senses, don’t worry, here are the best recommendations.

Enjoy the best dishes for a weekend in Yucatán

1. Lima Soup

Anyone who visits a mystical Mayan village cannot leave without trying lime soup; one of the most representative foods of the state of Yucatán, which although it has its origins in Mayan cuisine, it is a symbol of our mestizaje, as it includes elements brought from Europe such as the lime itself.

lima soup, weekend dishes in yucatan
Lime soup, representative dish of Yucatán

That is why it is so important. The characteristic flavor of the combination of these two worlds has a citric and light touch, it is usually accompanied by chicken, tomatoes, fried onion and crunchy corn tortillas, making it the perfect choice for an appetizer. And in cold season it is twice as delicious!

2. Panuchos and Salbutes

For iconic weekend dishes, panuchos and salbutes are the perfect antojitos. This dynamic duo from Yucatán is one of the most recommended for your visit to Cobá and although they may be similar, each has its own charm and style.

weekend dishes, antojitos in yucatan
Panuchos and salbutes, the dynamic duo of the state.

However, both stand out for their versatility, as they can be accompanied by various proteins; chicken, pork or even turkey. But what gives them that exquisite touch is undoubtedly the purple onion and, of course, a very good hot sauce.

The best of all is that you can enjoy them at any time, whether for breakfast, lunch or dinner, these Yucatecan antojitos will not disappoint you. 

3. Fish or Shrimp Ceviche

Now, in case you are craving the flavors of the sea, one of the ideal weekend dishes to accompany your favorite days is ceviche. Despite being found in many coastal countries, it is also very present in the Mayan area of the country, where it gets a special touch!

enjoy ceviche, the best weekend dishes in coba
Enjoy the flavors of the sea with a shrimp ceviche.

The local ingredients give it a unique flavor that you won’t find anywhere else, especially if you try it in Cobá. Because it is prepared with lime juice, fish or shrimp from the region, the flavors are much fresher. So you must try it.

4. The Poc Chuc

Finally, you can not leave out of your gastronomic trip the Poc chuc, one of the most emblematic foods of the region, from the magical town of peanuts but enjoyed throughout the Yucatan Peninsula. It is well known for preserving and combining the authentic and ancestral flavors of the Mayan cuisine.

poc chuc weekend dishes in tulum
The emblem of Yucatán, Poc chuc accompanied by guacamole.

As its name in Maya says, Poc “to roast” and Chuc “Charcoal”, this dish consists of roast pork, marinated in sour orange juice and commonly served with grilled onion, avocado and tomato. Undoubtedly a true explosion of flavors, so for complete weekend dishes, this is the best.

Among so much gastronomic diversity, these are just some of the dishes that have made Maya culture and especially Yucatecan cuisine stand out around the country, but there is still much more to surprise you.

try the best weekend dishes in tulum
Discover Cobá through flavors

So if you like authentic food, or if you just want to get to know the culture of the beautiful town of Cobá, we invite you to visit Pischán restaurant, one of the best restaurants in the area according to Sluurpy. Here you will not only find versions that do justice to the original dishes of the Mayan cuisine, but you can also complement your visit with a signature mixology.

explora el mundo maya de cobá
Explore the Coba ruins, close to Pischán Restaurant

As if that weren’t enough, being only 5 minutes away from the archaeological site of Cobá, it is also the perfect stop to take a guided tour of the town, explore the ruins or even participate in cultural activities. So that you don’t miss out on this magical experience, visit us from 08:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.

If you would like to receive personalized assistance, be sure to contact our direct line 998 342 0198 or if you prefer, consult our website. Now, come with us this weekend and experience the true Mayan flavor!


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