Top 5 popular dishes from the Mayan world in Yucatán

When we talk about the Mayan world it is impossible to leave out the Yucatán Peninsula, as it is one of the most important territories for this ancient civilization, that besides enjoying great natural beauty, culture and history, has a great gastronomic heritage, undeniably making it the perfect place to start a culinary journey!

platillos en el mundo maya, Yucatán
Discover the ancestral flavors of the Mayan World

Although time has passed since the great splendor of the Mayas, we cannot say the same about their gastronomy, because their culinary heritage still survives today. Where and how? … Here we show you a list of the best dishes of the Mayan world.

Most popular dishes in Yucatan

1. Salbutes and Panuchos

In the Yucatán region, there are many types of food that are enjoyed on a daily basis, but without a doubt one of the most popular duos are salbutes and panuchos. Two Yucatán snacks that have become a favorite among tourists and locals for their rich flavor and accessibility.

popular dishes in the mayan world
Taste the best antojitos of Yucatán

In fact, both are fried corn tortillas that are usually accompanied by various proteins such as chicken, pork or even hard-boiled eggs. The difference is that the panucho is stuffed with beans, whereas the salbute has vegetables added to it, including lettuce, tomato and, of course, purple onion.

Believe us, these two exquisite dishes from the Mayan world are so popular that you can find them not only in luxury restaurants, but also in economical kitchens and “corner stores”. Therefore, you have no excuse not to try them!

2. Lime soup

The second most famous dish among the locals is known as the Mayan recipe, that’s right, we are talking about lime soup. A millinery dish that has stood out for having a delicate, refreshing and citric flavor, quite pleasant to the palate.

sopa de lima, dishes in the Mayan world that are thousands of years old
Taste lime soup, an ancient Mayan dish

Generally is accompanied by chicken, crunchy corn tortilla strips, tomato, fried onion and lime (the key ingredient). Overall, universal elements that together generate a mix of light flavors, but delicious enough to leave you with a great first impression.

If you are going to try it, we recommend that you order it as a starter, as this is a light dish that is also full of flavors that will definitely help you build up an appetite.

3. Poc Chuc

Another of the dishes from the Mayan world that you must try during your culinary trip is undoubtedly the Poc Chuc or also known as carne asada. You have probably already heard of this food, as it is not only very popular in the state of Yucatán, but it is also one of the most enjoyed foods around Mexico.

carne asada, one of the best dishes in the mayan world
Accompany your afternoons with a tasty carne asada

However, not many know that this dish has a close relationship with the Mayan culture, in fact as you can imagine its name is in that language and translates as; Poc “to roast” and Chuc “Charcoal”.

As its name suggests, this delicacy is made with charcoal roasted pork, marinated especially with sour orange juice and served with pieces of avocado, tomato and grilled onion, without a doubt one of the best delicacies for the palate! So you can’t leave it off your tasting list.

4. Tikinxic Fish

If you are in the mood to immerse yourself in the flavors of the sea, then we recommend you try Tikinxic fish, one of the most classic Mayan dishes in the region. In addition to being a dish with a lot of history, it has a flavor that will definitely not disappoint you, as it is a hundred percent authentic.

enjoy tikinxic fish in the mayan world of Cobá
Tikinxic fish, a delight of the sea

This is because in the Mayan areas it is still made with traditional techniques and ingredients such as chiles from the region, peppers, tomatoes and achiote, a local condiment that gives this delicious fish dish its characteristic red color. 

So now you know, if you are in the mood for traditional Mayan food, this is one of your best alternatives.

5. Papadzules

On the other hand, if you are a fan of Mexican snacks, easy and quick to enjoy, you can’t leave out of your culinary trip the famous papadzules, whose name in Maya refers to the “food of the masters”, since papa means “food” and dzul means “master”.

taste the best of mayan food in your visit
Enjoy unparalleled dishes

With a name as interesting as this, you must be wondering what this dish consists of… Well, as in most Mexican cuisine, it is made of corn tortillas, stuffed with boiled egg and bathed in an exquisite green sauce, which is made with pumpkin seeds and epazote. 

Perhaps, compared to other dishes, this delicious snack may sound simple, but remember that sometimes less is more, here what makes the magic is the sauce!

Just like these, there are still an endless number of traditional dishes worth trying during your trip, but if you don’t know where to start, don’t worry. A visit to Pischán, a Mayan restaurant in Cobá is all you need. 

discover pischán, restaurant in the mayan world of cobá
Discover the authentic side of Maya cuisine at Pischán

Here you will find not only the most iconic dishes of the region, but also their reinterpretations and a great signature mixology. It is the perfect place to enjoy the original flavors of the Mayan world and the best of contemporary cuisine in one place at the same time.

If this sounds like something you would like to experience, you can receive personalized assistance through our direct line 998 342 0198 or if you prefer, you can make a reservation through our website, we are more than ready to welcome you!

In case you have already visited the Mayan Zone, tell us, is there any dish you would add to the list?


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