4 delicious seafood dishes to escape the heat

For many of us, summer is associated with vacations, exciting experiences and small tropical escapes, which are best accompanied by light and refreshing flavors. Therefore, there is no better way to enjoy it than with delicious seafood dishes!

platillos del mar en una mesa
Dishes to enjoy a summer getaway

If you are looking for the best options to delight your palate, here are four appetizing seafood recipes that will make your summer evenings an authentic culinary experience.

Best seafood dishes

1. Fish or shrimp Ceviche

This is a classic dish to accompany hot days, and thanks to the fact that we are in a country surrounded by impressive coasts, it has become one of the most requested seafood dishes in Mexico.

seafoood dishes ceviche
Shrimp ceviche by the edge of a pool

And for a very good reason. Not only is it easy to find in gourmet restaurants or local kitchens, but there is also a lot of variety to choose from. 

However, what really brings out the flavors of the seafood and transforms it into a Caribbean delicacy are the ingredients such as cilantro, avocado, tomato, onion, lime and, of course, chili. To elevate your experience, don’t forget to pair it with your favorite beer.

2. Tequila shrimp

While shrimp in its various forms are an indispensable delicacy in any summer menu, one version you can’t miss is shrimp with tequila. The ideal dish to enjoy the authentic flavors of the Mexican Caribbean and at the same time surprise your palate with something different.

platillos del mar, camarón al tequila
Tequila shrimp dish served with wine

Especially because the tequila adds a characteristic flavor to the dish that combines perfectly with the succulent sautéed shrimp and best of all, besides being an incredible complete lunch, it is also a great complement to pastas and salads.

So if you come across it during your summer vacation, don’t hesitate to order it.

3. Tikinxic Fish

Another unmissable seafood dish is the famous Tikinxic fish, a delicacy from the Mayan world that will transport your taste buds to the sunny shores of the Yucatán Peninsula

tikinxic fish, most popular seafood dishes
Tikinxic fish, served with vegetables and mashed potatoes

Especially for its unique marinade, which is made with a rich mixture of achiote paste, orange juice, garlic and spices. Grilled to perfection, the fish comes out tender and fragrant, so you are sure to taste the vibrant flavors of Yucatecan gastronomy in every bite.

To complement your experience, accompany it with a side of grilled vegetables, rice and a refreshing Caribbean cocktail.

4. Grilled salmon

If you are looking for an authentic summer feast, then there is nothing like tasting a grilled salmon, as In addition to being delicious, it is also healthy, making it a great option for those looking for something light. 

While there are several ways to enjoy salmon, being flaky and lightly charred, the smoky flavors of the grill bring out its natural richness.

salmon en una mesa, platillos del mar más famosos
Gourmet grilled salmon, bathed in a mole sauce

Where to refresh your summer?

If you want to take your summer vacation to another level, then we recommend you visit Pischán Restaurant, an establishment located in the Mayan jungle of Cobá characterized by its tropical and charming atmosphere. 

Summer in Cobá
Summer Experiences at Pischán Restaurant

Whether you are located on the terrace overlooking the pool, inside the main palapa or in the private area, it is a place that promises not only the exquisite seafood dishes already mentioned, but also a unique, ancestral and contemporary touch at the same time. 

So if you are in Cobá and its surroundings, you can’t miss it. To live this experience do not hesitate to contact our direct line 998 342 0198, or if you prefer, book through our website.


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