7 Gourmet Gifts to Celebrate Mother's Day

Any reason is enough to celebrate the queen of the family, but doing so is especially important during Mother’s Day, and with May 10th getting closer and closer, now is the perfect time to plan a tasteful surprise, because on a date as special as this one, you can’t miss a treat to please the palate!

platillos para el día de las madres
Gourmet experiences for Mother's Day

Therefore, we have prepared a delicious list of gourmet gifts that you can use to make her day unforgettable and that will surely delight even the most demanding mother. Best of all, mom doesn’t need to be a culinary expert to enjoy the flavors and aromas of these dishes.

If you don’t believe us, take a look at this list.

Gourmet gifts for Mother's Day

1. Aromatic coffee in the morning

There is no better way to start Mother’s Day than with a delicious and aromatic coffee, because as we all know this detail is sure to liven mom’s day and help her wake up completely. Besides, if your mother is one of those people with little appetite in the morning, a good cup of hot coffee will always be her best friend.

Coffee, the best way to start the mother's day
Coffee, the best way to start the day

Of course, so that this day does not go unnoticed, you can’t forget to accompany this detail with a delicious snack, small surprises like flowers or cards, or even a great view. Remember that this is only the first step to surprise her during her day!

2. Classic but special breakfast

Although for these occasions many prefer to get out of the routine and make special events, we can’t deny that classic gifts always work perfectly.

Desayuno de día de las madres
Classic breakfast to surprise mom

So, if you still want to give a nice surprise for Mother’s Day but without having to spend excessively, a nice breakfast in bed or a surprise outing are ideal to let mom know how much you know her and how much you care about her.

Just be sure to put her favorite snacks on the plate, take her to her favorite restaurant, or even better, try something new together. Small but beautiful details like these never fail.

3. Family picnic to surprise

Now, in case this Mother’s Day you prefer to give a much more special gourmet gift, then a great idea is to organize a family picnic. Whether you take mom to the countryside, the beach or a beautiful terrace, this will undoubtedly be a great opportunity to enjoy delicious dishes and spend quality time together.

family picnic in mother's day
Organize a family picnic

Therefore, you can’t forget to add to the basket some products to delight the queen of the house, for example; a small fruit salad, sweet snacks, delicious cuts of meat and a good wine to accompany the occasion.

4. A very traditional toast

For those moms who love to celebrate with an exquisite glass of wine in hand, a tasty bottle of wine is a must during her day. This gourmet gift is perfect to add a little touch of luxury to any evening or event. 

Vinos para celebrar el día de las madres
Toast with favorite wines for the occasion

In addition to being the ideal companion to highlight the flavors of various dishes, it is a great way to pleasantly surprise our emotions. Because, rather than being a simple drink, it is a whole experience, which is always part of the most special moments.

If you don’t know which is the best wine to make a toast, we invite you to complement your information with this article on how to choose the right wine for the right occasion.

5. Exquisite signature mixology drinks

On the other hand, if your mom is not a wine lover but likes to enjoy cocktails and a couple of drinks to celebrate, this Mother’s Day the best thing you can do is to pamper her with a delicious signature mixology. This way, your gift will not only have a special and unique touch, but it will also be incomparable.

Drinks and cocktails Mother's Day outings
Discover delicious signature drinks

Especially, because signature drinks are always distinctive and one of a kind, as they are exclusive cocktails that carry with them the essence and brand of the restaurant you are visiting. So if you come across this type of drinks, don’t hesitate to try them because you won’t find them twice!

6. Chocolates and beautiful flowers

Another classic but foolproof gift is the well-known combo of chocolates and flowers. Despite being simple, it is still one of the favorite gifts for many and there is a very good reason for it. Since it is an ideal act to show the affection we have for mom and give her a little happiness through sweet details.

regalos y sorpresas día de las madres
Give flowers and chocolates to brighten the day

Although, if that’s not enough, you can always take this surprise to the next level by complementing it with a personalized gift, writing a card or surprising her with an event. The more creative you are, the more memorable Mother’s Day will be!

7. The flavors of the sea

Finally, one of the culinary gifts that definitely can’t be missed are sea-flavored dishes, especially if you are in the Mexican Caribbean, since it is very popular to eat ceviche and cocktails to celebrate with the family.

mother's day restaurants
Seafood dishes, ideal for a break from routine

This type of gastronomic experience, besides being delicious and quite rich in flavor, is very versatile and gives a certain feeling of tropical escape, which will give your beloved mother a break as if she were on vacation. So these types of dishes are perfect to celebrate May 10th.

Now that you know how to give mom a pleasant surprise to delight her palate, you just have to choose the option that best suits her, or even prepare your own gourmet gift by combining one or more of these treats. If you wish to do so, then we recommend you visit Pischán Restaurant, located in the heart of the Mayan jungle of Cobá.

Pischan Restaurant Cobá, lugar para comer con niños en Cobá
Pischán Restaurant, ideal spaces to celebrate Mom's birthday

Here you will not only have the opportunity to enjoy authentic dishes from the region, but you will also find a wide variety of food to suit any type of palate and of course, exquisite signature drinks made specifically to be the most delicious and unique of their kind.

So if this Mother’s Day you are in the mood to dazzle with a great gourmet experience, Pischán restaurant has just what you are looking for. To accompany your best events with the essence and style of Cobá you can make reservations through the direct line 998 342 0198 or if you prefer through the website.


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